How to Book a Plot File in Citi Housing?
How to Book a Plot File in Citi Housing? the most asked Question. You will have to provide us the above mentioned documents for registration process. In case of mobile transfer you will have to send us the Screen Shot of the transaction details. In case of bank counter online transfer you will have to send us the clear picture of the bank receipt.
For registration process you or your representative will have to personally visit the office. Registration process takes approximately 20 – 30 minutes. For overseas, we can also provide registration with out owner presences.
Deposit Proof
Please provide deposit proof of your Plot Down Payment. Provide Screen Shot or Picture of Receipt.
ID CARD (Owner)
Provide scan copy of your National Identity Card for Plot File Registration
ID CARD (Nominee)
Provide scan copy of your Next of kin like your Father, Mother, Wife, Child.
Owner Picture
Please provide 2 passport size picture of Owner. It’s an optional to provide.